Join our Pack!
Boys and girls K-5 join Cub Scouts because they want to have fun! We welcome new scouts anytime in the year, no previous scouting experience is required. The majority of our members attend Pleasant Valley, Olive, and Lu Sutton Elementary Schools, although we have members from other schools as well.
Fees: There are two parts to the registration fees - the costs to join the National Boy Scouts of America organization, and the Pack fees.
- BSA National New Member Fee (only need to pay once)
- BSA National Annual Fee
- Pack Fees (These fees stay with the Pack to help keep it running. Contact the Committee Chair at novatopack85cchair at gmail dot com for the current fees.)
**A limited number of scholarships are available for financial need.**
Please note that the fees are for the full calendar year (January-December). Unless your scout joins in January, their fees will be prorated. For example, if your scout joins in September, they will pay for Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec of that year, plus the fees for the following calendar year.
Ready to join? Great! Click the button below and you’ll be taken to BeAScout.org, the Boy Scouts of America’s online registration system. Please note that the online payment will only include the BSA National fees. There are additional pack fees which can be paid after joining.
Paper registration You can also download this registration form, and email or hand in a printed copy to the Pack Committee Chair. Fees can be paid by check, money order, PayPal or Venmo using this method.
English: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-406.pdf
Spanish: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-423.pdf
There is a lot of good information for new and prospective families in the "Welcome New Cub Scout Family" booklet.
English: Welcome New Cub Scout Family
Contact Us:
For questions or further information, please feel free to contact us!
Committee Chair:
Pack Meetings
3rd Thursday of
Each Month at 6:30 pm
710 Wilson Ave.
Novato, CA 94947
Tel: 415-454-1081